Looking for a used Grand Piano ?


Welcome to Grandpianohall – we offer a selection of carefully picked restored used grand pianos for sale on a worldwide basis. We cherish the fine instruments being built by qualified piano restorers who are in many cases in business since several family generations – with careful attention to detail, using the same mechanics as 100 years ago and by using the best material and parts available, creating the optimal sound for the piano owner and player. We take care that all restorations are performed at the highest quality standards. We also see to it that only such parts like the hammers or actions are built into the grand piano as used by the manufacturers themselves. We focus on the well-known brands such as Steinway, C. Bechstein, Bluethner, Boesendorfer and Grotrian-Steinweg – and on a few models of Yamaha and Kawai.


Grandpianohall offers its services in cooperation with a network of piano dealers known for their craftmanship in piano restoration and tuning.

Grandpianohall also shares the knowledge and experience of the team with you on various topics: individual grand pianos, restoration companies, the piano brands, concerts, music websites and a few selected artists. Current offers

Why Grandpianohall ?


About 130 years ago approximately 75,000 pianos were manufactured per annum in Germany by a great variety of piano manufacturers – in Berlin alone you had about 200 manufacturers at that time. So probably if you wanted to buy a piano, you went to visit a couple of showrooms of these manufacturers and try out some instruments beforing buying. Learning to play a piano was more or less a standard part of your education if you belonged to the better well-off, so many households had either a piano or grand piano.


Over time that changed as we all know. Less people relatively speaking learn to play the piano nowadays. Only those manufacturers with the best quality instruments, dealer networks, markering or access to capital survived. In Germany only about 10,000 instruments are made per year nowadays – the number of supraregional manufacturers has been reduced to about 15. In that last number of years we have seen especially Chinese mass manufacturers taking over European cq German piano brands. Not only fewer people learn to play the piano, about 20 years ago the mostly handmade analogue pianos became digital competition from the likes of Yamaha, Kawai and Roland to name a few.


Another development is the retail price of pianos: they increased more than at the rate of inflation, as we will show in a future blog entry.

At the same time, you will still find a number of piano dealers in your home town, but especially if you are looking for a grand piano, the number of instruments to try out from different brands is very limited.

Best offers.

Click on any further help on the used Grand Piano of your choice.


Bluethner 118
Bluethner 118
Steinway Model B
Steinway Model B